Term 1 Week 2 Monday 7th February
Our Prayer This Week
Loving God,
Sometimes the world can be uncertain and, like the fisherman, we can be scared. Help us to be hopeful and optimistic as we approach the challenges our new school year. Amen
From the Principal
It's been a great first week at St Colman's. All the staff and students have hit the ground running with swimming sessions each day and classroom routines being established. A reminder that we will notify parents if there are any positive Covid cases in the school. Staff and students are working hard to establish a safe environment. Please feel free to contact me here at school if there is anything I can do to support your family during these tricky times.
Best wishes, Stacey Atkins
Are you able to help?
The St Colman's Farm is a unique asset that we have at our school. However, we need the support of our families to help maintain it. We're hoping to set up a roster for families to help look after the chickens on weekends. This would include collecting the eggs and checking their food and water. If you are able to help please email Stacey principal@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au or contact the office. It is hoped that we can get enough support so that families only need to commit to once a term.
If anyone is interested in helping with other aspects of the farm we'd love to here from you too.
Swimming this week
Our swimming program will continue from Tuesday 8th-Friday 11th of February.
Lessons will take place between 2-2.45pm.
Thanks to everyone for ensuring that children have their rash vests. It is great to see the confidence of the chidren growing in the water as well as the development in their organisation. It's very pleasing to see the older children supporting the younger students to get organised.
Brianna is currently preparing the entries for our upcoming swimming sports on Friday 18th February. This year, children in Grades 3-6 will be participating. Events will be 50m and 33m in length and cover each of the strokes. If parents have any preferences for which events their child participates in please email Brianna bbarr@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au
Volunteers needed
Traditionally there is a sausage sizzle at the swimming carnival. In order for this to happen we require volunteers, including someone to transport the BBQ to and from school as well as volunteers to help cook on the day.
If you are able to help please contact us at school or email principal@cmortlake.catholic.edu.au
School Advisory Council
This term our School Advisory Council will meet on the evenings of Thursday 17th February and Thursday 17th March. Further details will be distributed prior to the meeting.
COVID Reminders
Please find following, an extensive letter outlining the current COVID arrangements. This will remain here in case you need to refer to anything. Some key points include things we are doing to protect our community:
- Mask wearing for all staff and Grade 2-6 students is compulsory. It is highly encouraged for all other children. Students must provide their own masks.
- Masks are required for ALL children who travel on a bus.
- Visitors must check in via the QR code and be vaccinated.
- RATs have been delivered with each member of the community being invited to test themselves twice a week. The school must be notified if there is a positive case. The school will inform the community if there is a positive case. Head to this link for a video on how to conduct a RAT. https://youtu.be/AyrggazYk_0
Please contact me at school if you have any concerns or queries. The new school mobile number is 0409 539 167.
Summer Uniforms
A reminder that we have made some changes to the uniform. Thank you to everyone in correct this week.
Girls Summer Uniform | Boys Summer Uniform |
Girls Sport Uniform | Boys Sport Uniform |
Please note the children are to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays.
A big happy birthday to Jenny Stapleton aka Miss Stape, who celebrates her birthday on Friday.
Transitioning Back to School
Transitioning back to school can be a tricky time for all of us. Please find following some tips to help make this transition a little easier.
Clare Jehu, St Colman's Pastoral Care Worker
Making a Choice
The weekend before school went back it seemed like everyone I talked to was heading to a wedding. Sure, weddings often happen in January- it's warm, lots of people are on holidays and Christmas is over. However, I think many of these weddings had been postponed once, twice or maybe three times because of restrictions. The flip flopping of restrictions has made me reluctant to book in anything because you never know what might change and it is hard to get your hopes up to then be disappointed. I'm struggling to commit to anything that might be happening more than a week in advance.
In this week, Jesus asks his followers to make a commitment.
While Jesus was teaching, he noticed two fisherman casting out their nets and catching nothing. Jesus gets into the boat and tells the men to go into the deep water and lower their nets. The men are reluctant, but they do what Jesus asks and, low and behold, they catch a lot of fish! These men became the first disciples, leaving everything behind to follow Jesus. This must have been very daunting.
It is hard to put aside what we want to do and commit to what we know is important. Perhaps it's spending time with our families, time in prayer, exercising or going out of our way to help someone in need. Perhaps this week we could all commit to doing something for those people who always do something for us.
Noorat to Terang Fun Run
Please see the attached flyer for the Annual Noorat to Terang Fun Run. It would be great to have some of our students participate in this event. You can either walk or run the 5.92km.
Enter online here.