Term 4 Week 5 Monday 1st November
Our Prayer This Week
From the Principal
Dear parents and members of our community,
With full time onsite learning well underway now and the easing of restrictions on schools, we can now begin planning with confidence for important events for the rest of this year. Please keep an eye on our school calendar as we add these date and invite families to participate in the events.
Melbourne Cup
As usual, the Melbourne cup is not a gazetted public holiday for our shire so school will run as normal tomorrow at St Colman's. We do recognise the event as a special sporting event by holding cup sweeps in each of the classrooms. We provide prizes of chocolate to the winning students. This year we are asking the children to wear a fancy hat on the day to join in the fun of the event.
Rembrance Day
We will celebrate Remembrance Day 2021 on Thursday 11th of November with a school liturgy and some school activities that help the children focus on the national importance of the day and the message of sacrifice and service that it holds for us all.
Book Week
After an incredibly interrupted year it was wonderful to be able to celebrate book week in such an exciting and fun way last week. The children have loved sharing the shortlisted books, participating in the book fair and, of course, our fabulous dress up parade on Wednesday. Thank you to our families for making this such a special event at our school
Congratulations to Arlo Herry for winning the Grade 5 readers award for 2021.
Thank you to the families who purchased the shortlisted books to donate to the library to continue to build on our amazing library resources. Thank you to Jenny for all the work she does for book week to make it such a highlight in our school year.
This Week's Awards
Since the introduction of the changes to our school uniform, we have received good feedback about some elements of the new summer uniform. One of the negative responses has been to the grey shorts for the girls. This needs to be discussed at our next SAC meeting so I will ask parents to hold off on further purchasing of these shorts until this is settled.
Senior School Homework
Each year in fourth term we begin to increase the amount of homework expected of our senior students to help prepare them for the level of work required in their secondary school life. The Grade 5's and the Grade 6's are expected to complete these tasks each week and the work is optional for our Grade 4 students.
School Camps
We have been reluctant to release information about our school camps and excursions for the fear that restriction would mean that they were cancelled. We believe that the events we have planned can now go ahead on the following dates:-
Grade 3/4 - Soverigen Hill Ballarat on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of November
Grade 5/6 - Live Wire Park in Lorne and surfing in Port Fairy on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of November
Foundation/1/2 - A full day excursion to the Otway Fly on Friday 10th of December
More information will be provided closer to each event.