Term 1 Week 3 Monday 8th February
Our Prayer This Week
From the Principal
Dear parents and members of our community,
Thank you to our parents for their punctuality with our literacy interview sessions. The children seemed comfortable and confident with the process and it is now a familiar part of their school life. The data gathered on these days will guide our classroom practice to ensure the learning opportunities are targeted to the individual needs of each child.
Happy birthday to
Gus Carmody 31st January
Nick Krepp 14th February
Swimming Timetable Change
Due to a double booking of the Mortlake swimming pool we have had to cancel our swimming lesson on Thursday the 11th of February. This means we will swim on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and compete in the combined swimming sports on Friday.
Helpers Needed
Now that St Colman's is responsible for the planning and running of the Swimming Sports this Friday, we are looking for parent helpers to work on the day in a variety of roles. If you are able to help, please contact the school as soon as possible.
SAC Meeting
Our first SAC meeting for the year will be held on Wednesday the 17th of February at 7pm at St Colman's school.
SZAPP Settings
As we continue to fully utilise the capabilities of our SZAPP for communication across the school community, we are asking users to adjust the settings on their phone to enable targeted information to be sent out. Please complete the following steps to allow this to happen.
1. Open the SZAPP on your phone or device
2. Tap on the manage link on the right of screen
3. Turn on ALL of the group notification switches
School Calendar
Now with the uncertainty of Covid restrictions easing, we have the ability to plan a little further ahead for our school events and activities. Our school calendar is an excellent way to help plan for these events. If you access the newsletter on a computer, the school calendar is embedded on the sidebar of the page and there is a link at the top to the detailed page. If you access our school information on the SZAPP then the calendar is not on the newsletter but there is a separate tile called "School Calendar" to access this information.
New Sports Shirts
Our new sport shirts have arrived and many parents have picked up the shirts they ordered at the end of last year. If you have not collected yours yet, please contact the office and they can be sent home. We ordered extras to have here at school so if you need a new shirt, please contact Jane. These sports shirts are for our Wednesday sports days to replace the yellow polo tops.
Meals on Wheels
St Colman's School volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels once per term. We have a small group of loyal volunteers who help us deliver this service but are always looking for others. Please indicate below if you would be able to help and on what days.
School Fees 2021
Please complete the School Fees payment intentions form by clicking on the link below. If you intend paying via Direct Debit, a form will be sent home for you to complete and sign.
St Colman’s Parish Meeting
St Colman’s Parish meeting will be held on Thursday 11th February at 5.00pm in the Church. All Parishioners are encouraged and welcome to attend.